Looking for good images of butt-length frizz for VC Fall 10 show hair inspiration.
Theres a lot of shiny, and and a lot of crimped out there.
Perfect frizz however, remains elusive.


RIP Zelda Rubenstein.


At the dentist earlier today. The one upside to our HMO plan- dental instruments from the 70s in technicolor hues. Vivid pain, even more vivid color.


My friend Ale just forwarded me these images of movie posters from Ghana. Many poster artists dont have access to the actual films, so they make these painting as rad looking as possible and hope for the best. Many more at www.bongoƻt.com


I stumbled upon a book on Los Pozas at the L.A. Public Library. Things like this make me love the library, and the eccentric art patrons of the world. Edward James was a british aristocrat turned surrealist eccentric. His portrait was painted by Magrite, and he collected and befriended artists like Man Ray, Ernst, and Dali. His greatest accomplishment was Los Pozas, an outdoor surrealist sculpture park in the tropical rainforest of Mexico. The park consists of 80 acres of concrete psychedelic structures that weave in and out of waterfalls, orchids, and overgrown jungle landscapes. James had 40 dogs, and over 1000 exotic birds that roamed freely in what he likes to call his garden of Eden. Currently the park is being restored. So beautiful and magical- this would be the ultimate Vena Cava nature site.